Saturday, August 24, 2013

When I Grow Up

… I want to be a Cosplayer/Podcaster/Blogger. Oh, and I want to get paid for it. Seriously. On that note, some nerdom from the Whetsels…
Batman. There will never be a perfect actor to play Batman. Ever. For one thing, there are too many versions of Batman for there to be ONE perfect actor. If you just said, “But, isn’t there really just one Batman?” Wasp just died somewhere.

Get to clapping people! I believe in Batman! I believe in Batman!

One of my favorite things about the worlds of comic books is that they change. Characters can be reinvented over and over and over. Back stories, costumes and alliances change. Settings can change. Often the stories are as much romance as action and adventure. Characters can be brought back from the dead. This is why it gets me that “hard core” nerds get upset when they change up the story lines for a movie. They do it in the comics AND animated series all the time. I liken it to Doctor Who fans. Generally, your first Doctor will be “your Doctor”. So, often, your first incarnation of a character of a character will be your favorite. For example, when discussing Spider Man villians, my first Goblins were in the cartoons. Norm and Harry Osborn. Which come to find out is not correct to the comics. My husband did not like the change. But, they weren't his first Goblins. Just like Michelle Pfeiffer was my first Catwoman. I loved the idea of the near split personality. But, part of my love of Gotham is the grit of it. So, on my first visit alone to the comic book store, I was blessed when the owner offered me the four issue set that was released in the 90s. It gives Catwoman a new backstory. She started as a prostitute that receives some “Schooling” on how to take care of herself. The suit was a fetish of a client. And, that is where the story begins. This is a lot of the reason I loved the recent incarnation performed by Anne Hatheway.
I digress…  Nerd can be mean. And, I mean REALLY mean. They are generally wonderful to each other. But, it they think that someone that isn't a nerd is touching one of “their stories” and isn’t putting the person in a role they want, they will team up against the actor that is cast in the roll like a Klingon taking on a Romulan. I am actually a embarassed to be called a nerd right now. The way people are badmouthing Ben Afflek is atrocious. I know Dare Devil sucked. Well, except for the scene where Elektra is “working out” while they played “Bring Me to Life” and Colin Farrell. But, you can not blame and actor entirely on a actor. I would try to explain. But, I am going to share a post from Facebook by Harley’s Joker, a very well known cosplayer.

“On Ben Affleck. (And some of his preceding Bat-men)

If you plan to start reading this, finish it. This is not for the light readers and casual onlookers. Know that now.
For a very steady twenty-four hours I have received a stream of private messages and posts on my wall all asking the same thing. Here’s the honest answer that we all must accept from everyone: we’ll have to wait and see.
I’ve been an actor for over a dozen years, and a writer and director for the latter half of that time. I am a consummate film fanatic and compulsively detailed observer of the craft. Let me tell you something that for some reason is forgotten by so many. The script, direction and editing of a film will make it or break it and is responsible for ninety percent of your experience. Yet somehow the actors get blamed so often for a film being bad simply because they’re the face you see and therefore with whom you associate your experience. Have you ever noticed how when an actor was “amazing” in something, generally (not always) it’s also a good movie? And when they’re “terrible”, generally (not always) it’s a bad movie? Let this sink in.
Everything before this point in this article is fact. Everything from here on out is opinion, and strictly so. You will not agree with everything I say. I am sorry if I offend you. I will use my opinions of these following examples to emphasize and support the above facts.
Let’s take for example George Clooney. Before we recall his time as the caped crusader, let’s reflect on his career as an actor. He’s good. I personally think he’s very good. If one were to imagine a world where the film “Batman and Robin” never existed, and were then asked to cast an actor as an older Batman/Bruce Wayne, there is no doubt in my mind one would consider George for the part. Acting chops and marketability aside look at him for Pete’s sake. He looks like Bruce Wayne head to toe. Now let’s put him in a film with an absolutely mind numbingly horrible script and an appallingly gaudy and tacky art direction, and you have Batnipples McGee verses the blue Terminator. Was it George’s fault? No. Is he blamed daily for the last sixteen years? Yes.
Christian Bale’s performance as a flat, emotionless, two dimensional Bruce Wayne with an airy screaming whisper when cowled is easily masked by the fact that Christopher Nolan is an extraordinarily technically proficient writer and director. The man knows how to craft a film, this cannot be denied. I’m in the camp of those who thought “The Dark Knight Rises” wasn't very good, however it’s two predecessors were. “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight” are well scripted, well directed, well edited pieces of work that made a ton of money and people the world over love. They love this film SO much in fact that they don’t even realize how mediocre, borderline terrible Christian Bale is as Batman.
What’s my point? Most of how Mr. Affleck does depends on the story and the filmmakers abilities to tell it. Had he been the age he is now in 1997 and filled the black boots in “Batman and Robin”, we’d think he’s terrible. Flip the coin and cast him in “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight”, we might find him irreplaceable. 
On a separate line of thinking: My favorite live action Batman has always been Michael Keaton. I personally think he played the character the best by far, and many people will agree with this sentiment. However (and most of you are too young to remember this) when it was announced that this short, lean, not traditionally handsome comedic actor (who started out doing standup) was going to play the Dark Knight people lost their freaking minds. They were later quite mistaken. Now we have a tall, physically fit, handsome dramatic actor with a very versatile resume cast in the role. Do you really think he doesn't deserve a chance to shut us all up?
I joined the masses in an anarchist uproar six years ago when I learned the Australian kid from “Ten Things I Hate About You” was going to be playing the Joker. What in heaven’s name were they thinking? This was preposterous. One year later I sat in a dark, crowded movie theatre swallowing my words. He was brilliant.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Ben Affleck has been cast as Bruce Wayne, and as I’ve said before, we’ll just have to wait and see.” –Joker’s Harley

Ben looks far more like any of the actors that have portrayed Batman. So, I am going to wait and see while the other nerds get their panties in a knot.

Now, one would think that this type conversation would only take place every once in a while in a normal house. Not at Das Whetsel Haus. And, we have many friends that do the same. Well, I am going to call it a night people.

And, to you nerds out there, be nice. I don’t wanna have to go all Momma on you. - Marlo

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Potential Blogging Topics

There are many times that both Jerry and I come up with topics that we want to blog about. But, we just don’t have time at the moment and the topics are gone before we get a chance to sit down and actually write them. Today, we shall provide our readers with a ist of such topics.

Abilene… Will We Ever Learn to Drive

Small Dogs, Family Members or Creatures Created Merely For the Sake of Tripping People

Tattoo Placement; Clusters of Chaos or Sleeves of Serendipity

The Voice Without Adam’s Ugly Old Man Sweaters

Douglas Adams and the Reason We Love His Trilogy

Yes, We Know It Is More Than Three Books, But It is Still A Trilogy

After Nearly 40 Years, Finally Feeling Comfortable in My Own Skin

Never Pierce Your Nose During Allergy Season

Why Does West Texas Want Me to Move

Apartments Vs Homes

Robot Combat League Woot! Real Life Rock Em Sock Em Robots!

Jobs You Wouldn’t Want Your Friends to Know You Have

Why Is Everyone So Mean To Storm Troopers

Reasons We Are Not Going to ComicCon

Why We Want To Go To ComicCon

Reasons I am Lucky To Be Married to Jerry

Reasons Jerry is Lucky To Be Married to Me

Why Ty is So Awesome

Honey, Does This Bug You or Is It Charming? Seriously

Dimples, They Are My Weakness

A Scottish Accent, My Other Weakness

The Difference Between Love and Adoration

What Is It About A Man In A Flying Blue Box That Makes Us Want To Join Him

Being Who You Are When It Isn’t Who Others Think You Should Be

Finally Valuing You Own Opinion

Whe Artists Are So Appealing

Methods to Keep Yourself Awake At Work

Pranks to Pull On Coworkers

I am trying to be good. So, why did I just eat that candy bar.

No one wants to be known as “The Woman That Lost Her Child.”

The Ability To Breathe in West Texas; Is it really a neccesity?

How unfair is it that women’s sex drive increases with age when their weight does too?

Friday, November 23, 2012

It's Only Appropriate at Thanksgiving... start a family blog. Jerry and I decided that we should start one here. That way we have a place to share about the things that are important to us as a family. You know... our family, Ty, the kritters, Geocaching, comic books, holidays and things of other nature. Today is shall be geocaching!

I know that we have talked about Geocaching a lot on our Facebook page. Geocaching is like a treasure hunt. It is true that some caches have really nice stuff in them. But, most of them have little toys. But, we do it for the hunt. You both hide caches and find them. I am giving you a brief overview with LOTS of pictures. 

First, we'll talk about the caches. There are all sorts of caches. And, all sorts of sizes. The one thing they all have is a log and a geocache info sheet. The larger they are, the more they will have. There are some virtual caches that involve gathering information and sending it to the cache owner, instead. But, there are not many of them. Cache containers vary from tiny to five gallon buckets are larger. The tiniest ones are called nanos. They tend to all be magnetic. But, not always. Some of them are made to completely blend into the environment. Here are some samples...

There are nanos. And, available through the website. But, you can always make your own.

This one can be purchased of the site. But, they can always be made.

These are some we have made. Altoid tins, storage containers, diabetic strip containers, and such. There is even a flashlight that is Ty's.

Another item that you can find in a cache is a travel bug., Travel bugs are meant to travel. There are many kinds. But, I am going to share about the one we placed recently. Our new friend, Peggy Friend, caches as well. She likes to do travel bugs with various rubber ducks. She gave Ty two for diabetes awareness. We have placed one. And, we decided the goal for it's destination should be Baltimore, MD. Sarah's favorite team and favorite band were from Baltimore. 

The numbers are trackable back to the Geocache website to post about the reason you have posted the bug. This is what we wrote. "On December 12, 1996 I was blessed with the birth of my beautiful baby girl, Sarah Elizabeth Jones. On September 16, 2011 she died. My spunky, full of life, headstrong darling was gone. As much as I can, I remember her for who she was, not how she was taken from us. She spent half of her life with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. Her death was most likely the result of the toll of dealing with high and low sugars took on her body. This travel bug is both to spread awareness of the potential toll of diabetes and to share the memory of Sarah.
Sarah grew up in a small town. She was not, however, as small town girl. Not that she didn’t love spending time in the country. She had bigger goals and aspirations. Her hopes were to become a music producer and promoter helping bands getting their big break. She was also a budding artist. She loved to read. Scott Westerfield and L.J. Smith being a couple of her favorite writers. And, music… music was her true love. My Chemical Romance, Green Day, and All Time Low were some of her favorites. She was always honest to a fault with people. And, could be at time lacking in tact. But, she thought everyone deserved the truth. And, she felt that people should always be treated with love and compassion, even if they did not agree with you.
One day in January, the week after returning from Christmas vacation, I had called Sarah’s father to see if I should set up an appointment to take her to the doctor. I was concerned that she might have a urinary tract infection? She was waking up in the middle of the night needing to use the rest room and not quite making it. We decided that if she did it again that night, that I would take her the next morning. Then, we got a phone call from Sarah’s teacher. She had been extremely tired. She had not thought much of it earlier in the week, all of the kids had been. They were adjusting to going back to school. But, she had fallen asleep standing in the hall. We called the doctor and they said bring her in NOW.
Once we finally got her blood drawn it took her father laying over her talking her down, with me and the nurses restraining her arms and legs, we spent some time waiting in the room. They were very concerned for this to just be a simple infection. Sure enough, the doctor came in with the diagnoses of Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. The doctor knew that we knew what that meant, since we had string family histories on the subject. We spent the next week in the hospital and the next years trying to deal with the disease.
I can count on one hand the number of times that Sarah broke down emotionally over her disease. She was bound and determined to NOT let diabetes run her life. It was hers, not the diseases. I had many people say that they didn’t even realize she was diabetic. She was always as discreet as possible when tending to her sugars and dosing.
This is not me asking you to be sympathetic, or say, “Oh, I am so sorry.” This is me taking a moment to tell you to watch yourself, your friends and your family. If you feel like something is wrong with your health, or someone else’s make it know. Also, love the people you have now. Don’t wait to love their memory. And, lastly, if you know someone with a disability or medical condition, try to see them without seeing the disease, condition, or circumstance. Love them for who they are. It’s only fair. And, finally, my goal for this travel bug is to get to BaltimoreMaryland. Sarah’s favorite band, All Time Low, and her favorite football team, the Ravens, reside there. So, I would appreciate all the help I can get." 

This is what else is in the cache. A log book, most of the caches have strips of paper for logs. But, the big ones have room for the small book. If you can find some small pens or pencils to add always helps.

And, a quick view of the Geocaching app. You can use the website, too. But, we do use the app. More on how to actually USE the app next time!